Saturday, April 27, 2013


Happy Matanzas Mule Day!

I am incredibly busy/stressed right now, and yet I am also the happiest I have been in exactly 5 months... it was 70 degrees in MN yesterday! HALLELUJAH WE HAVE A MIRACLE! EVERYONE LET'S BRING OUT SOME CHOCOLATE MILK AND HAVE A CELEBRATION! So, I guess you can say that I am kinda excited.

The Great Winter of '13 is finally coming to a close. This will go down in history as the cruelest joke Mother Nature has played on poor, chilly McCall.

I love summer.


So, I discovered an awesome website today that has ratings of college professors.  Now, I don't need to guess and then find myself stuck with a homework-overloading, slow responding teacher. I like my teacher and all, but sometimes it was a bit much. And he got really poor ratings. Anyway, with the help of this site, I found THREE whole classes that I wanna take next year, and I don't think I am going to go crazy this time! Please pray that I will be able to get in - I just hope the professors' "goodness" is not common knowledge, or else I will never get a spot in the class.

And now, I got a comment from my sister on my last post, and she came up with a pretty adorable closing:

Get it? We tend to make goofy things like this a lot, or at least more often than other people. My favorite is "magma." Instead of saying, "I love you," we would say "I lava you." And of course, magma is hotter than lava, and so the phrase was born.

We are such dorks.

You jelly?


1 comment:

  1. Totes jelly.

    Sounds like you have some awesome siblings!

    I wish I could be your sister...

    Oh. Wait.

    Magma you!

