Monday, December 10, 2012


Happy Dewey Decimal System Day!

Only two weeks until Christmas break! And that, you see, means only two weeks of pretending.

Yes, you heard me, (read me?) pretending.

I have learned from past experience that in the weeks leading up to a major event, such as Christmas break, many students become restless, reckless, and the value in schoolwork takes a plunging nosedive. Then there is me: experiencing the same emotions, but feeling the need to cut the faculty some slack and at least appear to be even slightly enthused by their busywork.

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I am a firm believer in magic. How else does my hair suddenly become a stunning, enviable work of art seconds before I must take a shower? Or how does the chocolate keep disappearing from the secret-stache-of-secrets that only I know about?

Crazy stuff. Must be magic.

Just kidding.

I don't have a secret stache.



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