Monday, June 11, 2012


Happy Corn on the Cob Day!

Today, I attended half of the Spotlight Awards Ceremony held at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Minneapolis. Our school received "Outstanding" (a.k.a. the best honor) and so us costumers decided to support our actors! Unfortunately, it took two hours to get to intermission - and we don't love the arts that much, to stay for the second half.

We had a wonderful adventure navigating the concrete jungle and searching for the mystical path to return to our homeland, and to complete this perfect night out in the town, we ate at McDonalds. The classy one, of course.

Pretty much sums up my night.

And... still super pumped/nervous for EFY.

Thank goodness I'm over boys for now. It makes things so much less stressful. Honestly, I love em and all, but making the decision to just keep things simple has made my life so much easier. I am less self-conscious and I am better able to judge/appreciate qualities in my friends. 

Don't worry - I will play along at EFY with the whole C.O.W. ish, but I really am just happy to spend the week focusing on friends, not how cute this boy is, or how funny that one is.

Ha, and I am just so stinkin' creative. Last year, I concocted a new one: P.I.G.S. You see, your Crush Of the Week has to be someone in your company, or someone you get to know fairly well. But a Pretty Intense Guy is someone that you definitely wouldn't mind getting close to - give me a slice of that! It is for those cute boys that you see around campus but never get the opportunity to mingle with - the drool worthy specimens that wander these halls.

Enjoy your Monday!


1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, I think C.O.W. & P.I.G. are really clever! Too bad I didn't know said code names when I was at EFY...
