Sunday, May 20, 2012


Happy Neighbor Day!

Today in Young Women's we had a fantastic lesson about....
Temple Marriage!!

What a fun topic! Every little Mormon girl's dream, to waltz her little white dress up to the altar and be sealed to her Prince Charming for all time and eternity. Can you even comprehend that? It is very difficult for me, at least, to attempt to imagine being with your true love for ever and ever and ever! Never fear the dreaded phrase "Until death do us part," but embrace the knowledge that despite all of the crap that goes on in our human existence, we will have the greater reward and the ones we love with us for eternity.

"I believe that the single most important thing you will ever do in this world is to marry the right person, at the right place, by the right authority." Bruce R. McKonkie

During class today our leader then gave us a hand-out; you know the lists that girls make of what they want in their dream guy? Well, this list is a bit unique - it categorizes these traits into ingredients and frosting. Ingredients are necessary things, traits that are a must-have, while frosting is all the extra goodies that you wouldn't shed a tear if they happened to come with the package. You will most likely no longer care about the frosting once you meet "the one", but every girl has an ideal image.

So, without further ado, my recipe for a perfect husband:


  • Worthy Priesthood holder
  • RM (returned missionary/young man who completed his mission)
  • Patient
  • Understanding
  • Humble
  • Thinks for others first
  • Testimony of Christ
  • Kind
  • Charitable
  • Brave (in doing good, upholding and sharing beliefs)
  • Careful
  • Flexible/trusting
  • Faithful
  • Good with children
  • Magnifies callings
  • Attentive during church meetings - not one of those kids in Seminary who sleeps the hour away
  • Studious, has plans for a career
  • A good citizen
  • Optimistic
  • Virtuous
  • Responsible
  • Upholds promises
  • Takes care of their body
  • Appreciates music
  • Knows me inside and out
  • Makes me a better person
  • Takes initiative and is constantly improving
  • Good sense of humor
  • TALL (like, must be taller than meh papa, so around 6'2" or taller)
  • Dark brown hair
  • Blue eyes
  • Ever since I was little, I pictured him as tall (so that I feel petite), but not really big, broad, and 'teddy bear like' - maybe broad shouldered and a swimmers body?
  • Not deathly pale like moi
  • Either really warm or really cool hands - no regular temperatures
  • Exercises/willing to teach me
  • Not into country music - almost any other genre I am willing to experiment with, but I don't want to meddle with disaster
  • A nice career path... uh... I won't say no to a guy if he plans on makin' some big money...
  • Brings the comedian out of me
  • Loves to read!

"Youth should begin today to so order their lives that they will be found worthy at the proper time to go to the House of the Lord and be uplifted and sanctified by the temple ceremony." Harold B. Lee

My wonderful leader also gave us postcards to mail to her and our YW President (my mom) once we get married; they have a little poem on them that reads:
Dear Sister Poll,
I'm going to the temple
and I'm as happy as I can be
I have tried to live my life 
So Heavenly Father could
be proud of me.
I am keeping my promise
to let you and Sister Booth know,
So you could be happy
too, now I have reached
my temple goal.

So, I just found my talk from a while ago. 
Here are some of my favorite quotes I found within:

"Love is of the very essence of life. It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Yet it is more than the end of the rainbow. Love is at the beginning also, and from it springs the beauty that arches across the sky on a stormy day. Love is the security for which children weep, the yearning of youth, the adhesive that binds marriage, and the lubricant that prevents devastating friction in the home; it is the peace of old age, the sunlight of hope shining." Gordon B. Hinckley

"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simple give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other." Marvin J. Ashton

Love Is...
A very nice thing.
A friendship between a mother and a father,
A sister or a brother.
A kindly thing between a boy or girl friend.
Just friends. That's what I think of love.

God and Jesus love us all
In summer, winter, spring, and fall.
Lynne Perry, Age 9 Logan, Utah

They are just too cute!

I wanna get married so badly. I want to be loved like that, to love like that.
In choir the other day, Anna and I were talking about a friend of ours who went through a nasty break up with his girlfriend. We were worried about how he was handling it - he broke up with her, but he had been trying to for months now. She was the type of person who didn't really care for him, exactly, but was almost becoming possessive and territorial. We were talking about the right and wrong reasons to date, when I mentioned how I am not mature enough for a boyfriend. I was thinking of my fleeting emotions, how I can like a guy for what feels like forever, then before you can blink I don't care for him anymore. (Brandon from 3rd grade - yeah, I'm talking about you.) But Anna surprised me by saying, "Yeah, I don't think you would give him enough attention."

She was so dead on that I took a few seconds to function again. I most definitely am not a social butterfly, in fact, I enjoy sitting at home doing nothing. But this hurts my friendships, and as Anna pointed out, my future relationships. I know I am not a good friend - I space out during her retellings of the week's adventures, I don't remember birthdays or how to drive to homes, I skip out on events to stay home instead - I rarely take the initiative. 

So now I am determined to become one of the best friends Minnesota has seen - and hopefully this will translate to being one of the best girlfriends as well.

One thing I have learned about myself is that I underestimate others too often. I am so tentative in friendships - I never make the first move, and the reason that I have little success is because I wait for some confirmation that I am acceptable to the person I want a friendship with. In reality, it must appear to them that I am not interested in them, so in the end I remain home on the weekends while others can meet and the very next day hang out.

At least I can work on "Making Friends on the Telephone":

Have a fantastic week, ya'll!


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