Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day #1

Happy Restless Legs Awareness Day!

Day #1

1. I like fruit. A lot.
2. I like books. A lot.
3. I did and continue to love making up stories in my head.
4. I evaluate the attractiveness of a guy by how well they will age.
5. I have never watched a boring movie in school - aka I am easily entertained.
6. I switch my favorite music genre all the time.
7. My favorite color palette is best described as "bright pastels."
8. I loooovvveee when people play with my hair.
9. I am 5'9", grey eyes, and I have size 9 shoes.
10. I waited for both a Hogwarts letter and for the Polar Express, only to be disappointed.
11. Emma Watson is my idol.
12. Adam Young as well.
13. I am a huge Disney fan.
14. I pick up accents easily - as in, a Minnesotan accent or a Utah accent
15. I'm a Mormon.

Right now I am pretty happy:)
Life is good.


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