Happy International Cherry Pit Spitting Day!
I decided.
That if I could eat a meal with one famous person.
Living or dead.
Would choose.
And only.
Dalai Lama.
He just seems like such a cool cat.
He is funny, obviously has some pretty awesome views on life, and he just seems like a very friendly kind of guy.
I am so intrigued by other religions - I have such a respect for anyone who is zealous in their faith, and it is such fun for me to uncover little nuggets of truth within the different theologies. All religions have truth to them. I believe that whole heartedly. And this can sound pompous and narrow-minded, but I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Restored, as in the exact same religion that He instituted when He was alive - but this time, the authority didn't die out.
Back to my point, I have a little theory - the world is large, and particularly a few centuries ago, we had poor communication. So, why can't many of the other myths and tales told by some foreign religions have actually occurred - simply, they were recorded in a way to make them more story like, and therefore more memorable? Yet for our foreign little ears, the tales appear to absurd, too blasphemous. I can't wait until I can find out.
That is what I love about Heaven. You don't just sit around and do nothing, you learn and grow and you never stop. An eternity to become like Him. It sounds so amazing.
So, I made a decision. I want to go to a service trip, like the mission trips that my friends go on, next year as well as EFY. It sounds like such a great experience, and I know I would enjoy it.
Well, it's kiiiiinnnnnnnndddddaaaa late, so G'nite!
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